Indeed! I’ve lost myself in the charm of Hawaii… serene beaches, tropical sunshine, and the sea breeze which reminds me my home sweet home…. Last couple of weeks chillaxed a lot of time in waikiki beach and ala mona beach… just chillaxed… did nothing but gazed at the white sands, tall trees, and beautiful bays… last Friday when the way from office to Waikiki read that lantern festival will be conducted on the memorial day in the magic island, ala mona… decided to catch up the action…..
Long weekend happened to be really long….: ) on the memorial day… we’ve decided to start a little early to find a right place near the beach side…. Started by 5 in the evening, and walked all the way along…. A long walk… after 30 mins … reached my fav ala mona… The setup was humongous….. a big stage as if set on the seas…… a great sound system…. And a sea of humanity…

The function started sharp at 6.30 with a roar of Aloha – (Welcome in Hawaii) from the people…. A classical drum music… followed by songs and dances of Hawaii… So powerful, who needs a language to appreciate music…. Two great things I’ve noticed… a guy played a flute kinda instrument through nostrils…. Amazing…. And chanting dance similar to our kolattam (with small sticks in the hand) by the kiddos….

The Budham Saranam Katchami was infused with a western trend and a great orchestra played Budhist chants… The Lantern Floating was said to be in remembrance of the people who sacrificed their lives, the people who were remembered upon, the ancestors, to express the love and the affection… People wrote their beloved names on the paper lanterns… with few religious ceremonies … a few mins after the sun set… they let hundreds of lanterns to float in the sea…. An enchanting visual indeed…
That remembered me the people who were so special to me.., and people who have made a difference in my life… Remembered the love and affection I’ve been showered with.. Remembered the people I’ve lost/……………. I’ve lost to keep in touch with………….. Lost in the tide of time.....
Cherished Memories… a great memorial day indeed!